The concept of cold calls is similar to that of a phone call. However, while both concepts are very similar, emails are less intrusive.


Here are some of the reasons which show the importance of Cold mail.

  • Lead generation:

    One of the most common reasons why people don’t open a cold email is due to their lack of confidence in their prospects’ ability to respond. According to a survey, 79% of marketers use email as their primary lead generation channel.

  • Sales:

    A cold email is a marketing technique that a sales representative uses to build a relationship with a potential customer.

  • Invitation:

    You can easily build a strong relationship with your audience by inviting them to participate in a webinar, podcast, or workshop by cold emailing.

  • Market Research:

    Before you start working on a startup idea, it’s important that you identify the pain points of your market. Cold emailing is a great way to do this.

  • Hiring:

    If you’re looking for someone who can help you with your startup, then email and LinkedIn are the best ways to connect with them.

There are Several Cold mail Software’s such as:


  • Smart Reach
  • Sales Handy
  • etc.

Steps to Remember while writing a Cold Mail:

Step 1: Having a Catchy Subject Line

Writing, reaching out to you or opportunity just for you isn’t really personalized, and it can feel a little bit like spam. You wanna be direct while only using a couple of words. Instead of writing for you go for something that directly talks to the person that you’re reaching out to. Something Like: “Rami, get help with emails“

These texts engage the person to respond back to you.

Step 2: Be specific

Instead of writing texts like “Who are you?” , “What you offer” etc. just mention the exact reason why you’re reaching out to the person.

Step 3: Be human

Make Sure that the mail you are writing sounds like it’s written by a human. We can all get caught up in the sales talk & forget that we’re just a regular person talking to other people.

A good Test is to read the email out loud and recognize how it sounds. Making people feel like actual people & not numbers means they are more likely to respond.

Step 4: Pain Point

It is something that the person you’re reaching out to is struggling with. This means that you’ll have to understand what the person does and what they’re struggling with. Mentioning their pain point makes a connection that they will want to follow up on.

Step 5: Be Confident

Be confident in yourself and what you’re Offering. When talking to a person for the first time you want to be positive, Confident and know what you’re talking about. Starting in a Strong way will set you up for success. What you have to offer is worthwhile so make sure to be clear about that in the body of your email to help increase those response rates.